How It All Began!
The Hollowbrook School was created by Justice J Ballard in 2022, but the preparation to create The Hollowbrook School started in 2015. While obtaining her degree in Accounting and Finance at The University of Texas at Arlington, Justice started a tutoring service for children 2 years to 16 years old. After noticing the progress of her clients, she began to note what style of learning worked best for each age group. From there, the research started! She began studying preschools and K-12 curriculums to find out what works best for all students and what does not. After years of research and building relationships with different childcare centers, private schools, and business centers, she had an idea!
What if she can pull all of her research together and everything that she knows about her clients’ progress to form this great utopia of a school? There would be an amazing reading class, a fun math class, an exciting science class, and a STEM program that leaves children wanting more! Oh, and what if we can feed them the best of the best, but have the students grow the food themselves? By doing so, they will have an appreciation for the earth and will also be able to sustain themselves on their own. Hey, and let’s not forget the freedom of artistic expression! An art class that has no boundaries and a music class that leaves students with a new hip in their hop. She could name this magical place The Hollowbrook School. A place where inclusiveness, accountability, and transparency can exist together.
Great idea, right?
Well, yes, but the problem came down to money and space. So years went by, Justice graduated college in 2018, and settled into her accounting career. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t The Hollowbrook School. One day after months of living through COVID, she realized life was too short, and you have to make the best of what you have. So, she moved back home to Houston, Texas, and began digging through all of her research and planning for The Hollowbrook School. Of course, it could not be large and with limited resources, she would have to focus on one group of children. She chose early learning where all education begins and never ends.
So here we are, the beginning of The Hollowbrook School which is a health-conscious preschool! We hope that all children find The Hollowbrook School to be a place that they are fond of even once they journey on to conquering their own dreams!
-The Hollowbrook School